Asbestos cancer is the culprit in a very serious and often deadly medical condition. Basically, an individual will breath the tiny filaments that are released from asbestos that has been disturbed. Known as a fibrous mineral, when disturbed the tiny grits from this material are released into the surrounding air. From there, any organism without a mask to filter the tiny filaments breathe in the asbestos contaminating the lungs and circulatory system.
From there, it affects the cell growth of mesothelioma, the lining of the internal organs, resulting in either a slow growth or an explosion of growth.
Doctors and researchers have separated this asbestos cancer into two separate groups. And have named them peritoneal and pleural cancer, all grouped under the head name of asbestos cancer.
Localized and diffuse pleural cancer is identified by the resulting malignant cells, settling within the ribs and on the outside lining of the lungs. Diffuse is often considered malignant or growing, and localized is often considered benign and can usually be treated with surgery.
Peritoneal cancer is usually a tumor that is located somewhere on the membrane that lines the abdomen. In other words, peritoneal cancer envelops the organs.
Another type of asbestos cancer, mesothelioma is the one that usually affects those who were in contact with a fibrous mineral found in shipping and receiving, automation, construction, mining, and refining. Usually found in the respiratory system, and is often seen within the lungs, considered a rare form of cancer, most patients are incurable. Fortunately for this type of asbestos cancer, or unfortunately, according to how you look at it, it grows very slow. So if you have been exposed to asbestos and stay up on your health visits, there is a better chance of catching it early which means a better chance of a longer life. The off side of this is that it is not noticeable in the early stages and many people do not get the recognition of asbestos cancer before it is too late.
When not treated early, asbestos cancer can spread to neighboring cells that are then damaged. If the tumor tears apart, it often mushrooms in growth and heads into the bloodstream and then infects the complete lymphatic structure.
Most researchers agree that mesothelioma is the result of tiny pieces of the asbestos block entering the body, either through the skin, or through the lungs. Asbestos cancer affects upwards of 3000 people on a yearly basis, mostly men. Because of its long dormancy and slow growth, most patients do not get treated early enough and the mortality rate is extremely high.
Asbestos Cancer research is going on all the time and researchers continue to look for answers in order to find more successful treatment.